Beau Peep Farms

A Great Place to Pick Up Chicks!

Our humble beginnings.

We started out importing, brokering and distributing chicks for ourselves and for family.  We soon were asked by neighbours and friends to add a few more just for them.  Next thing we knew, we were taking care of importing, brokering and distributing poultry orders for friends of everyone we knew and for friends of their friends.  Right about that time, the city of Vancouver passed their bylaw allowing people to have up to 4 hens in their back yards.  That's when we decided to make ourselves available to all.  

Why we do it.

We want to enable everyone to be able to aquire healthy sexed and vaccinated chicks, in exactly the assortment of breeds and varieties they dream of. 

For most people, the dream of keeping their small (or large) designer flock would otherwise be impossible without our help!  Most hatcheries have a minimum order of at least 15 chicks.  Our minimum order is 1 chick (though we recommend at least 2 because they are a flock animal and need a buddy.)  Many breeds or varieties of breeds are not available from a Canadian hatchery and must be imported from the USA.  Importing is expensive and requires some expertise.


We are eager to share our knowledge and advice with new chicken owners in hopes that everyone involved has a great chicken keeping experience, including the chickens!

We love to see 4H and other "little farmers" take interest in poultry!  When they do we are happy to take them "under our wings" by sponsoring 4H clubs and events and providing as much educational material as we can through our website and e-mail.

What we sell.

We not only sell day old poultry, we also sell feed, supplements and all of the supplies a person needs to raise chicks and keep chickens.  We also carry hard to find specialty items that chicken keepers seek out from time to time.   Supplies are available in store or through our

e-commerce site at

Beau Peep Farms

A Great Place to Pick Up Chicks!